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NBA 2K22 Best Contact Dunk Tutorial - Contact Dunk Requirements, Badges, Tips In 2K22

Date: 10/15/2021 2:14:40 PM

How do you get contact dunks in NBA 2K22 and how to meet contact dunk requirements in NBA 2K22? When it comes to which game is more fun and which game is easier to do contact dunks, it really depends if you're an actual good slasher. The truth is, you're going to get contact dunks more frequently on next-gen. On current-gen, it's easier to be able to get contact dunks, but it depends on your skill level. This is the best NBA 2K22 current-gen and next-gen contact dunk tutorial, we will go into detail on how to do trigger contact dunks, the contact dunk requirements and contact dunk badges.


How To Get Contact Dunks In NBA 2K22 - 2K22 Current Gen & Next Gen Contact Dunks Tutorials

First things first, when it comes to going for NBA 2K22 best contact dunks this year, while you're getting your badges just go for as many contact dunks as possible on your build if it has the ability obviously. Make sure that you practice these contact dunks to get it down the timing that how fast to get around people, or where to trigger in Mycareer, which is a good way to get some free reps.  Speaking of MyCareer, when it comes to being contact dunks, you can get the animation every single time, and they're not going to jump out of it. A lot of the on next gen, the CPU is so smart that they kind of play more like an actual player. The situation is the same in current gen.  Online is the time where the defenders are going to be indifferent positions so you need to be able to know when to trigger it for all different types of positions.


When it goes to getting continuous off the rip, you really want to find you a go-to move to be able to get around your defender and this is not a move where you just dribbling. You want to do a speed boost that creates as much speed as possible to not only get around your defender but also still is able to maintain that speed while getting to the rim. Because the faster and momentum you got going towards rim, the more frequent you're going to get a contact dunk in NBA 2K22.


On NBA 2K22 next-gen, there is the aggressive skill dunk feature. So in a lot of situations that you probably shouldn't be able to trigger a dunk animation. You can with the aggressive skill dunk feature but especially on current-gen, you want to be able to figure out what your go-to move, whether it's like the little zig-zag spam a lot of people doing on guards or you do a behind the back and try to run that way through the legs. You can literally speed boost off any dribble move, you can speed boost off of rhythm dribbles, you can speed boost of a crossover, you can speed boost all the behind the backs and between the legs. In the end, you can get a good rhythm for every single time whether you're trying to go for a jump shot or a contact dunks.


Another really crucial thing to get NBA 2K2 contact dunks, you want to make sure that you have your stamina right now, especially on next gen, because of the dunk feature and the dunk meter feature. When it comes to the stamina that will affect your dunk meter and how small it will be. On current-gen that will affect how frequent you'll actually get that a contact dunk to activate. Even if you get a contact to action that will affect if you're making or missing. There's not really a bad that goes hand in hand with stamina for finishing this year, because they took out relentless finisher which is a badge that we've had in the past. One more thing about the stamina in NBA 2K22 is not bad if you have to be over-dribbling and just holding the rt pretty much the whole game to be blinking red every single possession.


NBA 2K22 Contact Dunk Tips And Tricks

Here are all the tips and tricks to activate the contact dunks for both next gen and current gen. If you use the aggressive skill dunk feature, you're going to be able to get the best bar possible every single time. When it comes to the trigger the contact dunks, there's going to be a circle at all times around the free-throw line. There's supposed to be a circle under the rim, so there's going to be a point in between those two circles where you want to try to trigger a contact dunk every single time. 

This year in NBA 2K22, there are badges to go along, for example, Limitless Take Off which is a very good badge so if you want to trigger it from further out. However, you do not want to wait too long to trigger contact dunks, you will get blocked most likely, especially in next gen. With that being said, you put some badges alongside, this way you don't have to wait until you get into the two circles, you can just try to get inside the circle of the free-throw line. When you get inside the circle of the free-throw line, you can try to trigger it,  that's a really good launch point. As soon as you get to that bottom circle of the free-throw line that's also a good trigger.


NBA 2K22 Contact Dunk Requirements

This is the first time that 2K changed the requirements for dunk packages when it comes to contact dunks. To be able to get Elite Contact Dunks you have to have a 92 driving dunk with an 80 vertical, they actually mixed in vertical with all of them. For the smalls, you have to be 6’5’’ and under, but you also have to have a 86 driving dunk with an 85 vertical. So you have to have a higher vertical for smalls but a lower driving dunk. When it comes to the Pro Contact Dunks, you have to have a 70 vertical and an 84 driving dunk, which is the easiest 2K22 contact dunk requirement.

The small and pro on current gen are going to be easy to attain. Say for instance, if your bill gets all packages even big man. The more packages that you can get on your build, the more frequent to get content dunks. Because of the way the contact dunk packages work, there's going to be an animation for every single situation.

Here are the contact dunk packages and the requirements to equip them.

· Small Contact Dunks – Set Driving Dunk to 86 /  Player must be below 6’5″

· Pro Contact Dunks – Set Driving Dunk to 84

· Pro Bigman Contact Dunks – Set Driving Dunk to 80 / Player must be above 6’10”

· Elite Contact Dunks – Set Driving Dunk to 92

· Elite Bigman Contact Dunks – Set Standing Dunk to 90 / Player must be above 6’10”

NBA 2K22 Best Contact Dunks Badges 


Posterizer is one of the best badges to get contact dunks packages in NBA 2K22, that's 20 chance of getting a contact dunk. It is the badge to improve the likelihood of posterizing your opponent and get contact dunks more frequently, As for the tier of Posterizer, bronze would be 35 chance of contact dunks. Silver would be 50 chance of contact dunks. Gold would be a 65 percent chance of contact dunks. Hall of fame would be 80 chance of contact dunks.


Limitless Takeoff

When it comes to the trigger point, your trigger point can just be extended all over the place with Limitless Takeoff and this makes getting contact dunks crazy overpowered when you have an aggressive skill feature. On current gen is more overpowered because it's just way easier on current to get contact dunks in terms of skill. Anyway, Limitless Takeoff is a very overpowered badge that favors dunks and layups from a farther take-off range.


Slithery Finisher

Slithery Finisher is the badge to get contact dunks only for current gen. It gets you the best animation possible and ups your dunk frequency. Due to the fact that, with the aggressive skill on next gen, there’s no point in using Slithery Finisher.


Handles For Days

Handles For Days is a very important dribbling badge that's going to get more contact dunks in NBA 2K22. It cancels out the stamina and makes it that much easier to do whatever you need to do to get open and not even worry about the time.


Quick First Step

As we know that, how important Quick First Step is for contact dunks. It provides more explosive first steps out of the triple threat and sizes ups, as well as making your speed boost much faster.



There are other badges you could use along with, depending on what your go-to move would be to be able to speed boost. Whether it's hyperdrive where you're doing moving moves or you're going up the court and you're trying to be able to be as fast as possible and not have to stop your dribble and keep the momentum going. You can use downhill, that's another badge that’s going to make your speed with the ball much faster in certain situations.


Quick Chain

In addition, Quick Chain is the most important and most usable badge to have on when you're standing still. Because a lot of times when you're trying to get you a go-to move, you're going to be doing just regular standstill dribbles, Then Quick Chain is just going to make those dribbles a lot faster, without getting lock up. Furthermore, it is good to combo with Quick First Step.

That's everything you need for triggering the best contact dunks in 2K22, at the same time this contact dunk tutorial will allow you to improve the chances of a successful dunk. If you need cheap NBA 2K22 MT, is always the best place.

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