NBA 2K22 Best Dribble Moves Current Gen & Next Gen - Best Dribble Moves Animations, Settings, Badges & Tips
Are you always hoping to be a better dribbler in NBA 2K22 current gen and next gen. Whether you like to ice swing on a low three-point build or take screens on a playmaking shot creator, here we are bringing you a complete NBA 2K22 current gen and next gen dribbling tutorial, whilst best dribble moves, animations, settings, badges, and tips, to help you become a dribble god in 2K22.
NBA 2K22 Best Dribble Moves Current Gen & Next Gen - Best Dribble Moves Animations, Settings, Badges & Tips
This year NBA 2K22 next gen and NBA 2K22 current gen have the same engine, they are the same exact dribbling and it's the same gameplay. Which makes the dribble tutorial works for current gen and NBA 22 next gen. Whether you're a play shot, you have a low ball handle or high ball handle, below are the best NBA 2K22 dribble moves, dribble moves animations, dribbling badges, and dribbling tips. In-depth 3 different ways to do quick stop, new 2k17 step back, ai step back, a new version of the speed glitch, and more. To practice your dribble moves, you can either practice on the shoot-around or a personal workout.
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NBA 2K22 Best Dribble Moves For Current Gen & Next Gen
NBA 2K17 Stepback
Let's say you are running to the left, you're going to hold the right trigger run to the left with your left stick and then while holding the right trigger, flick your right stick down. Running to the right, hold the right trigger and flick right slip back. running to the left same thing. Sometimes when flicking the right stick down, it'll give you the best NBA 2K22 dribble moves animations like a double crossover, you can either let that animation play out and get a little boost off of it. Or you can hold the left stick immediately, once he does the step back, move the left stick up immediately, and you can just go right out of the 2k17 step back instead of waiting for the two crossovers.
Speed Boost
The new speed boost is a very overpowered 2K22 dribble move. Let's say the ball is in your left-hand right, you're going to hold the right trigger and as well as the right stick up diagonal opposite ball handle up. As soon as you do that, hold the left stick and run right after the animation plays out. You can beat the opponents with this movement, furthermore, combo this up with some crossovers can be an unstoppable dribble move.
AI Stepback
Obviously, you need the Lebron James signature size-ups to hit people with Ai Stepback, one of the best NBA2K22 dribble moves. Let's say it doesn't matter if the ball is in your right hand or left hand, hold the right trigger and just hold the right stick down when your player comes to a complete stop on his feet. Unfortunately, this is not a good move for an iso player or a play shot.
Kobe Crab
You can't do this dribble move unless you have Kobe on size up escape package. Let's say the ball is in your right hand, you're going to hold the right trigger and then hold the right stick up diagonal left. Let's say the balls in your left hand, you're going to hold the right trigger and hold the right stick diagonal upright. That's how you spam the best 2K22 dribble moves. It's definitely a w move when you're dribbling around or you want to get a crab on iso with a play shot on a screen. You're going to be higher up and faster with your dribble.
Rhythm Dribble
To do rhythm dribble, make sure your dribble moves are on or your pro stick function is on dribble moves only. Basically, you're going to hold the right trigger, just hold the right stick up until the animation plays out eventually. When this overpowered rhythm dribble comes back to the game, hold it up and at a certain point, you're just going to let go. Either you can go crossover and go out of it or just attack the rim. If you're an iso player, definitely take advantage of those rhythm dribbles.
Kervin Durant Hesi
The Kevin Durant hesi is the best hesitation in NBA 2K22 by far, which is the same as in 2K21 current gen. Let's say you are running to the right with the right trigger and flick the right stick to the right. If you're running to the left, hold the right trigger and flick the left stick to the left.
Explosive Behind The Back
The explosive behind the back it's the same thing as 2K21 current gen. Flick the right stick to the right, do a hesi, tap lt, rs down diagonal, opposite ball hand. Let’s say going to the left, flip the left stick to the left for the hesitation, then you're going to hold lt, flick the right stick down the diagonal right, let go of lt and hold the right trigger the left stick to run.
Attack Behind The Back
Let's say you're an iso player and you're running straight down, hold the right trigger if the ball's in your right hand and flick the right stick down the diagonal left, it will lead you straight to the basket. If the ball is in the opposite, hold the right trigger and then flick the right stick down diagonal right.
Quick Stop (3 versions)
There are three ways to a quick stop in NBA 2K22. The first one you can let go of everything like in 2K20, quick stop and shoot. The second is going to be the same in 2K21 current gen, let's say you are running to the right, hold the right trigger and flick the left stick to the left, then right as flicking the right stick to the left, and shoot the ball. Quick stop in NBA 2K22 is the best and fastest dribble move. Click the left trigger to shoot immediately even without speed boosting.
NBA 2K22 Best Dribble Moves Animations For Current Gen & Next Gen
Dribble Style: Quick
Signature Size-Ups: D. Rose
Signature Combos: K. Irving
Size-Up Escape Packages: L. James
Moving Crossovers: S. Curry
Moving Behind the Backs: K. Leonard
Moving Spins: K. Leonard
Moving Hesitations: K. Durant
Moving Stepbacks: K. Irving
Triple Threat Styles: Normal 1
Park Flashy Passes: None
NBA 2K22 Best Dribbling Settings For Current Gen & Next Gen
If you're next gen or current gen of NBA 2K22, we're going to start with just the regular settings. Make sure your shot feedback is on all shots. To be noted, controller settings are all the dribbling settings are. Put your vibration on, pro stick function on dribble moves (unless you want to dunk with the right stick). If you put this on dribbles moves, only you'll be able to do the rhythm dribbles, otherwise, it's just going to make you pump fake. Then make sure both pro stick orientation and off-ball offensive mode are on absolute. Those are all the controller settings for making the best dribble moves NBA 2K22.
NBA 2K22 Best Dribbling Badges For Current Gen & Next Gen
Top 1 - Quick First Step
Provides more explosive first steps out of triple threat and size-ups
Top 2 - Handles For Days
Reduces the amount of energy lost when performing dribble moves
Top 3 - Quick Chain
Improves the ability to quickly chain dribble moves together
Top 4 - Unpluckable
Reduce the chance of getting stripped by the defender
Top 5 - Bullet Passer
Improves a player’s ability to quickly pass the ball
Top 6 - Bail Out
Increases the chance of successfully completing a pass from mid-air.
NBA 2K22 Best Dribbling Tips For Current Gen & Next Gen
To become a dribble god in NBA 2K22 next gen and current gen, make sure you go buy playmaking boost there's also a boost in the stage to make lob passes go through more and make your dribbling better, instead of getting ripped as much. Another thing you are going to do is to get Gatorade done in the Gatorade facility, this is where you can get plus four in speed, acceleration, strength and more to get your player faster.
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